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  • Can the UK study be trusted? The 50-year study that I woke up to on my alarm clock showed no nutrition advantage to organic food. Unfortunately, it looks as if the Foods Standard Agency is headed by people connected to agribusiness and...

  • Really, Dr. Snyderman? Does this really put the gut-autism link to bed as Dr. Nancy Snyderman, who is now a TV star for MSNBC, suggests? Dr. Nancy thinks so. The way she speaks in this interview there is now no doubt that there is any connection whatsoever. Really? You...

  • Big pharma going to poor countries for sales

    Maybe this is the way we can increase America's health compared to the rest of world... Last year there was a report showing that 51% of Americans were on at least one prescription drug. Astounding! Imagine what that number would be if we started cooking from scratch more, exercising...

  • Beware of the PPIs

    Study: Study: Acid Reflux Drugs Cause Rebound Symptoms A recent study shows that being on the powerful acid-suppressing medications like Nexium and Aciphex for a couple months increase the chances of reflux upon stopping them. I see this all the time. Folks are put on these meds for any type...