

Dr. Gladd is an integrative medicine clinician, frequent lecturer and consultant in areas ranging from business development to patient care.

  • Dr. Sheila Kilbane, MD — Infinite Health, PLLC

    Dr. Gladd is the ground roots effort that is going to reform medicine. His courage to jump is extraordinary and allowing so many more of us to do it. Thank you for all you are doing!

  • Kim’s Story

    Dear Dr. Gladd, I have been receiving emails from you for a while now. Each time I receive an update I want to sit down and tell you how you've helped our family. I went to one and only one of your gluten free meetings. I sat back and listened to everyone talk and then I ask you a question about my daughter, Megan. Megan is 7 years old and has Celiac. Megan wasn't able to have regular bowel movements. We had been giving her Miralax everyday and she still wasn't able to go potty. I asked about that and you told me that we were masking a problem. I'm sure you don't remember me, but I actually burst into tears when I was talking. You told me that you would like to see Megan. We actually never got to that stage. I called her doctor at Riley and made an appointment. Her original appointment was scheduled for November 5, 2010. Megan started randomly vomiting and I called her doctor and said we can't wait. Dr. Molleston got us in right away on October 19, 2010. This was the day they realized Megan had Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. She was pretty advanced at stage three. She actually had a huge tumor wrapped around her intestines. They didn't hesitate with Megan. We immediately met a surgeon, they did a biopsy, put in her port and instantly we were thrown into the world of cancer. As horrible as it seems I was happy to FINALLY figure out what was going on with my daughter. Nobody wants to have cancer but if you do have it you want to know and catch it as early as possible. I am sooooooo happy I went to that meeting that day. It was the slap in the face that I needed! I knew in my heart something wasn't right. I actually felt it!!!! I have been meaning to say THANK YOU for such a loooooong time. Life is still very crazy and her treatment is VERY intense. It stinks, actually!!!! BUT...we are in treatment and she IS going to beat this cancer!!!!!! THANK YOU for being that voice!!!!!!!