
Blackened Salmon

If you're not into spicy foods but love a good flavorful fish, this recipe is for you. Combine this paleo recipe with steamed broccoli or a fresh green salad.

Prep Time:
5 minutes

Cook Time:
10 minutes

Ready In:
15 minutes


  • 4 wild-caught salmon filets (with skin)
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoon(s) paprika
  • 2 tablespoon(s) cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoon(s) thyme
  • 2 tablespoon(s) oregano
  • 2 tablespoon(s) sea salt
  • 2 tablespoon(s) black pepper


Mix the spices together and spread out on a plate.

Rub the flesh side of the salmon with a little olive oil and press the salmon (flesh side down) onto the spices.

Heat 2-3 Tbsp of oil in a pan over medium heat. Once it is hot (or smoking), turn off the burner.

Place the salmon flesh side down in the pan, on one layer, so they both have contact with the pan. Then turn the heat back on medium (about a 4) and cook for 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, turn the heat down to medium-low (about a 2) and flip the salmon (I like to use tongs, but a spatula will do). The spiced, flesh side should be crispy.

Cook at medium-low for another 3-5 minutes, skin should be crispy at this point.

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