
Marinated Flank Steak with Mushrooms

A great weekend dish.  Prepare the marinade ahead of time, and allow the meat to soak up all the juices for 1 to 4 hours.  Make sure to use grass-fed beef if possible.

Prep Time:
1-4 hours

Cook Time:
8 minutes

Ready In:
1 hour


  • 2 lbs grass-fed flank steak
  • 1/2 cup(s) red wine
  • 1/2 cup(s) coconut aminos
  • 6 clove(s) garlic (minced)
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) black pepper
  • 1 lbs crimini mushrooms (sliced)
  • 1 tablespoon(s) grass-fed butter


Combine the wine, coconut aminos, garlic and pepper in a dish large enough to fit the steak.  Add the steak and turn to coat.

Refrigerate for at least 1 and up to 4 hours.  Remove the steak from the marinade, reserving the marinade, and grill or broil the steak on high heat about 4 minutes per side for medium rare.  Allow to rest for 10 minutes, then slice thinly against the grain.  Transfer to a serving platter and keep warm.

While the steak is resting, prepare the mushrooms.  Heat a large skillet over medium heat and melt the butter in it.  Add the mushrooms and brown on both sides. (you may have to do this in 2 batches so they can brown).  Add the reserved marinade and reduce until it is reduced to roughly 1/2 C.

Pour the mushrooms and sauce over the steak and serve.

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