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Articles posted in {triggers:cat_name_1}

  • Insulin sensitivity is key to long-term mental health

    One of the major manifestations of obesity is poor sensitivity (or responsiveness) to the hormone insulin. It's this insulin sensitivity issue that drives the "brain fog" that I see so frequently in patients that come to see me. This recent study confirms this fact and should motivate people...

  • Hormone replacement news: read the fine print

    So the coverage regarding the new findings in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), will strike fear in all women. The report is that women taking HRT had more advanced breast cancers and were more likely to die. Ready for the key piece of information buried in the study: The treatment studied was...

  • New nutrition labels?

    The Institute for Medicine proposes new labels on food. New labels "should highlight only four things: calories, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium, the report says". I think this is good step, but I would make some additional recommendations to food labelling: - eliminate the loophole that...

  • Find a physician, not a general

    "Superior doctors prevent the disease. Mediocre doctors treat the disease before evident. Inferior doctors treat the full-blown disease." Huang Dee Nai-Chan 2600 BC; 1st Chinese Medical Text. Not only does my work in integrative medicine have me on the front lines of big pharma-created...