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Protecting our girls from cancer
"...the risk that a 50-year-old white woman will develop breast cancer has soared to 12 percent today, from 1 percent in 1975. (Some of that is probably a result of better detection.) Younger people also seem to be developing breast cancer: This year a 10-year-old in California, Hannah, is...
A book all teens and teachers should read
Pollan's original work, The Omnivore's Dilemma, changed my life forever. An excellent education on the food industry and how far off course we've gone. This book is designed with lots of diagrams for older children and teens to understand. Let's do children...
New breast cancer screening recommendations
The United States Preventative Services Task Force is the authority on monitoring all the data and determining the most appropriate screening guidelines. The new breast cancer screening guidelines reflect the need to back off the monitoring for those at no additional risk because it often creates...
Stressed? Dark chocolate to the rescue.
Study: Dark Chocolate Takes Bite Out of Stress People who ate 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate per day for two weeks had lower levels of stress hormones. What a great stress management strategy that I suspect will not be difficult to talk too many people into. Aim for a dark chocolate that...
Swine flu update What a great video covering a non-biased, non-conspiracy discussion of swine flu and mass vaccination. Everyone should watch. Here are a couple recent statistics on the the mortality associated with swine flu...
Sugar high?
Study: Heart Group: Limit Added Sugars in Diet The American Heart Association recently made some impressive recommendations on lowering the amount of refined sugar in everyone's diet. Great stuff. Obviously it didn't make the sugar and high-fructose corn syrup industry very happy. Here...
Can the UK study be trusted? The 50-year study that I woke up to on my alarm clock showed no nutrition advantage to organic food. Unfortunately, it looks as if the Foods Standard Agency is headed by people connected to agribusiness and...
Really, Dr. Snyderman? Does this really put the gut-autism link to bed as Dr. Nancy Snyderman, who is now a TV star for MSNBC, suggests? Dr. Nancy thinks so. The way she speaks in this interview there is now no doubt that there is any connection whatsoever. Really? You...
Big pharma going to poor countries for sales
Maybe this is the way we can increase America's health compared to the rest of world... Last year there was a report showing that 51% of Americans were on at least one prescription drug. Astounding! Imagine what that number would be if we started cooking from scratch more, exercising...
Beware of the PPIs
Study: Study: Acid Reflux Drugs Cause Rebound Symptoms A recent study shows that being on the powerful acid-suppressing medications like Nexium and Aciphex for a couple months increase the chances of reflux upon stopping them. I see this all the time. Folks are put on these meds for any type...