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  • Find a physician, not a general

    "Superior doctors prevent the disease. Mediocre doctors treat the disease before evident. Inferior doctors treat the full-blown disease." Huang Dee Nai-Chan 2600 BC; 1st Chinese Medical Text. Not only does my work in integrative medicine have me on the front lines of big pharma-created...

  • Obama IDs the key to healthcare reform!

    "When it comes to food, one of the things that we are doing is working with school districts. And the child nutrition legislation is going to be coming up. We provide an awful lot of school lunches out there and -- and reimburse local school districts for school-lunch programs. Let's figure...

  • Enlightening young minds

    I was invited to the Ft. Wayne Family Medicine Residency today to give the noon conference talk on Integrative Medicine. I love talking to medical students and residents as they generally seem so hungry for changing medicine. To me it's important to show them some light in what often seems...

  • The future of medicine

    Spent the day in Boston with Hello Health. It's a new online based healthcare platform to allow physicians to practice medicine with high access using a Facebook-like connection between doctors and patients. They want to embrace the integrative medicine movement, so they are spending the day...

  • Proof that antibiotics have a significant downside

    Good Bacteria Keep the Immune System Primed to Fight Having healthy levels of bacteria in the gut keep the immune system ready for a fight. 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, so when taking oral antibiotics a significant shift in protection can occur. This is leading to what we will...

  • Before you visit the reproductive specialist

    Can Foods Contribute to Infertility? There is a wealth of data on the connection between miscarriage and celiac disease. Studies estimate a 9-fold increase risk of miscarriage in undiagnosed celiac disease and a 30% decrease in birthweight. There are also connections to male infertility. This...

  • Do you know where your fish oil comes from?

    Article: A Fish Oil Story Great opinion piece on how the industrialization of harvesting fish oil has drastic consequences on the Atlantic ocean. One more reason to aim for higher quality fish oil from reputable sources. Being certain your fish oil is free of PCBs and mercury is essential, and I...

  • The facts about bottled water

    Presented by Online Education

  • Soy protective for cancer survivors

    A new study in JAMA shows that breast cancer survivors who consume the most whole soy foods had a lower risk of recurrence of their cancer than those eating lower amounts. 5000 women breast cancer survivors were evaluated for their soy consumption and followed for four years. 7.4 % of those...

  • Fast food chains have higher standards than your child’s school!

    The USA Today published an investigative report showing that the beef and chicken served to millions of our kids has up to 10 times the standards of fast food chains. It also reports the use of "spent hens" in school lunches, something fast food chains and Campbell's Soup won't even use,...