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Articles posted in GI Health

  • Approach to reflux

    The stomach needs acid to facilitate the breakdown of food, but also to provide protection for the rest of the digestive system by destroying harmful bacteria/yeast/parasites that are swallowed. Taking a proton pump inhibitor (ie. Nexium, Prevacid) for a long-time robs the digestive system of this...

  • Food sensitivities? Don’t blame the food. Part 2

    The Gut-Immune Barrier The problem with food sensitivity is often less about the food causing a direct harm to the body and more about a protein within the food being reconized as a foreign invader and stimulating inflammation of the immune system. It's this inflammation that sits at the...

  • Food sensitivities? Don’t blame the food. Part 1

    There certainly is a lot of attention now given to food sensitivity. The awareness is increasing: Labels in the grocery store, menus at restaurants, lists of restrictions for kids in schools and daycare. The focus is mainly on the message that certain foods are irritating the body and driving lots...

  • Polypharmacy

    Interesting case this afternoon. Lady was having major digestive spasms that prompted anxiety. Went to several different doctors and a workup at a major national medical center and told there was nothing wrong. Meanwhile she as started on 2 blood pressure medications for a high heart rate (from...

  • Proof that antibiotics have a significant downside

    Good Bacteria Keep the Immune System Primed to Fight Having healthy levels of bacteria in the gut keep the immune system ready for a fight. 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, so when taking oral antibiotics a significant shift in protection can occur. This is leading to what we will...

  • Before you visit the reproductive specialist

    Can Foods Contribute to Infertility? There is a wealth of data on the connection between miscarriage and celiac disease. Studies estimate a 9-fold increase risk of miscarriage in undiagnosed celiac disease and a 30% decrease in birthweight. There are also connections to male infertility. This...

  • Really, Dr. Snyderman? Does this really put the gut-autism link to bed as Dr. Nancy Snyderman, who is now a TV star for MSNBC, suggests? Dr. Nancy thinks so. The way she speaks in this interview there is now no doubt that there is any connection whatsoever. Really? You...

  • Beware of the PPIs

    Study: Study: Acid Reflux Drugs Cause Rebound Symptoms A recent study shows that being on the powerful acid-suppressing medications like Nexium and Aciphex for a couple months increase the chances of reflux upon stopping them. I see this all the time. Folks are put on these meds for any type...